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Happy Birthday Stampalosopher!

Happy Birthday SAL-001November 1, 2014 was Stampalosopher’s first post!  Can you scroll back through the posts and find which one was first?  Just go to the bottom of the blog and click on “Older Posts”.  Leave me a comment on which post was the first and which is your favorite and be entered into the drawing for a special November birthday bag of goodies!  If you are viewing this in your email, click on the little SAL PAL to the left and you will jump to the full blog.

My goal for this next year is to get the blog connected to all our favorite social media sites so you can follow SAL in other ways!

Did you ever wonder where SAL came from?  Check my “About Me” page to see the history of our little SAL PAL.

SAL,  (Stamp A Lot, Smile A Little, Share A Love and always be Salt And Light!)



  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear SAL happy birthday to you. Can you believe it has been a year already? I can’t. I send you all my love. Di

    • Hello, You didn’t win November’s drawing but thank you for your celebration of the past year of Stampalosopher! Keep chatting and entering! Love you dear sister!

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