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Monthly Archives: March 2017

Hey Chick!

(If you are opening this in your mobile device, click little SAL at the left  to have a more readable version of the blog.)

Hello Stamping Friends,

Crocus’, daffodils, tulips….oh my!

And then come the iris to beckon our eyes…

“Look, look,” they all seem to cry,

“Spring is here, let’s dance with delight!”

Spring is starting but Sale A Bration (SAB) will soon be ending so the news I am proclaiming from the housetops (blogtops?) is:

Only 10 days left of Sale A Bration with one free item for every $50 purchase.

Terri is our hostess this month and would love to receive credit for your order if it is under $150.

The hostess code for Terri is:  7BTDD3SU

With a purchase of $150 you will receive 10% of the total order in hostess dollars and with purchases of $250 or more you receive an extra $25, a special offer during SAB, plus the standard 10%, so you receive $50 in free products plus one item for each $50 order.

One of the free Sale A Bration stamp sets is called “Hey, Chick” and Evelyn Bicknell from Melbourne, Australia created a pocket card using the stamp set that is awesome!  She also sent a pdf instruction sheet so you can create your own Hey Chick card.  Check this out chickies:

Evelyn Bicknell

Hey Chick Pocket Card

Click on the blue link above for the pdf!  Thank you, Evelyn!

Several of you have selected this set as your free SAB item.  Send me a picture of your creation if you would like to share with our blog followers.

SAL,  (‘Spring’ ing A Long)


Click the SAL computer image to go to the online store.  Terri thanks you for your order and I thank you by sending a card with a little gift for each online order.  In January my online customers received a set of In Color Doilies (page 175) and in February my online customers received the set of 20 Note Cards and Envelopes (page 176).   For March it will be…………….a surprise!   tee hee cheep cheep!






Window Shopping Bundle!

Hurry Stamping Friends,

Don’t let the Window Shopping Bundle get away!  It is on page 43 of the Occasions catalog and is just the cutest!  It might get carried over in the big catalog come June 1st, however when Stampin’ Up! introduces a product with matching Thinlits it is bundled with 10% savings but not when it is carried over to the next catalog.  The bundle is $50.25 which will qualify you for a free Sale A Bration product.

Remember, purchase $50 of anything from any catalog and get one item from Sale A Bration for free.  Three additional items were introduced February 21:

Check out the sample items made with these products:


Click on the brochure picture below to see all the other Sale A Bration products.  But hurry the Card Tin is already sold out and product is only available while supplies last!

Thank you, Deana, for a wonderful party to introduce the Window Shopping bundle and the Sale A Bration products.

Our project at the party was either a Birthday Box with matching card which uses the Window Shopping stamp set:

or a Thinking of You box and matching card:

Notice the banners use the Delicate Details free stamp set from Sale A Bration:


The Emerald Envy box uses the third one down and the Dapper Denim box uses the second one down to be a bit more masculine.  The flower and cupcake on the edges of the banner are part of the Window Box stamp set!  The banner uses a 5 1/2″  X  7/8 inch piece of card stock and the little Thinlit from the set that scores and cuts the end!  The video below will show that in detail.

For a thank you gift, I used the same Window Shopping Bundle and made a little St. Patrick’s Day basket.


Hmmm…. It did have chocolate in it at one time; at least the tea light and mints are still there for the picture. I used Cucumber Crush paper and the Mint Macaron ribbon which is still in the Clearance Rack.  Why a tea light?  Because the door prize was a tea light holder made with Watermelon Wonder card stock:

To make the tealight you use two pieces of the main Thinlit just as you do for the box:

Remember the middle heart is directional so punch your windows accordingly.

I demonstrated the basket pieces with the same color.  You only need one piece of the main box Thinlit for the basket and one piece 8 1/2 X 3/4 for the handle:

  The Thinlit set makes a basket just perfect for a little Easter gift!

The regular box uses two Thinlit cutouts which fit nicely on a 6 X 11 piece of paper:

The home office has a wonderful video for construction of the box so rather than recreate the wheel I will insert it here.  If you are viewing this on your smartphone you may need to click on the little SAL image at the top of the post to go to the main blog where videos work.

Drum roll please:  Presenting The Window Box Thinlit dies:

One more quick note – check the bottom of your Big Shot machine once in awhile.  The bottom screws need to be kept tightened as well as the screw on the handle.  The machine comes with a little tool to keep the handle tightened but you will need a phillips screw driver to tighten the bottom screws.

Cheerio but be back soon!   (I just went to the high school’s performance of Oliver.  It was exceptional and I can’t get the songs out of my mind- but who would want too?!)


Karen     (Click on SAL to go to the online store)


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