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Jo Brooks November 2024 Shoebox Event

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Happy New Year everyone!!  May the Lord bless you and keep you this 2025 year and may He make His face to shine upon you … and give you peace!  Let’s pray the same for our country as the election results are certified this January 6, 2025.  May the Lord bless and keep our country and its leaders and may He make His face shine upon the USA …..  and give us peace.  That is a rephrasing and shortening of the benediction in Numbers 6:24-26.

Jo Brooks was our Shoebox Event Hostess in November and had delightful Thanksgiving cards for us to make.  Remember- with a shoebox, Jo is the designer and makes card kits for each of us to recreate the cards she designed.  The cards you see here were put together by me but designed by Jo so mine may not look quite as good as the originals that Jo created.

This first card uses the silhouette technique and her embellishments were feathers!  So creative!


The second card Jo had for us uses buttons!  That was inspiring since I have a huge collection of buttons and haven’t used them very often.  With metallic leaves and pumpkin vines it is quite striking; and who doesn’t love a bundle of wheat, a fence and a wheelbarrow!  Truly “Autumn beauty everywhere” as the inside greeting states.

The embossed sky looks like wind blowing the clouds around.

It does, Sal, and added another creative touch to the card.

Thank you, Jo!

SAL,  Shoebox A Lot of ideas



Riddle of the day:

Question: I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?

Answer: A Bank.

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